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BuffsCreate Faculty Cohort

Welcome to the BuffsCreate Special Interest Group (SIG) ! Participants will receive a domain and web hosting, support and training, to initiate a web-based scholarly or pedagogical project in conversation with colleagues from across the college of Arts & Sciences. While building our own individual domains, this group will consider how digital technologies are entwined in how we teach, learn, and create.

This SIG will meet 4 times [Links and pages will be live on specified dates]:

·       October 8th: Your Possibility Space

·      October 22: Claim Your Domain

·       November 5: Craft Your Identity

·       November 19: Tiny Teaching Tools & More

Amanda McAndrew and Caroline Sinkinson will facilitate the sessions and look forward to working with you.

This site will serve as a resource and reference for the activities and strategies that will help faculty work with Buffscreate for personal & pedagogical goals.
